1/2 Barrel Keg US Half-barrel kegs stainless steel Stackable kegs

This full size keg is the largest that is available to you, and what is commonly used in bars and restaurants across the world. Most home kegerators will fit this size keg, however, the smaller versions are typically more popular amongst craft beer drinkers.



Our 1/2 bbl keg is the most commonly used keg size in micro breweries, nano breweries, and tap rooms. Also known as a “full size keg,” this half barrel keg is made of 304 stainless steel and built to withstand many years of use.

Half Barrel Kegs

When you think of your average beer keg, the Half barrel size is probably what comes into your mind. Undoubtedly, you’ve probably seen this size keg at a party or large event.

This full size keg is the largest that is available to you, and what is commonly used in bars and restaurants across the world. Most home kegerators will fit this size keg, however, the smaller versions are typically more popular amongst craft beer drinkers.

Nicknames: Full Size Keg, Barrel of Beer, Full Keg
Common Uses: Home Bar, Large Events, Business, Frat Parties
Dimensions: 16⅛” x 23⅜”
Capacity: 15.5 gallons / 1984 ounces

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